How Writing Can Improve Your Mental Health

Writing and Mental Health, Let’s Talk
When it comes to your mental health, writing is a great tool to use that has many benefits. Writing can help individuals become happier, enhance emotional intelligence, and promote personal growth. Depending on your style, this can be done through journaling, blogging, or any other form of writing to help meet your personal needs. Writing does not have to be done daily, however finding time to incorporate it into your regular scheduled routine can help track moods/feelings and have more of a positive impact on your life. Planned writing allows you to have something to look forward to whether it be in the morning, mid-day, or evening time. Keep in mind when you are writing out your thoughts it does not have to be long. Jotting down what comes to mind even if it is in a few words or sentences is just as valuable. When you find yourself dealing with stress or complex emotions sometimes what you write out may not make sense, but do not let it discourage you because it is your personal feelings. The main goal here is that you are acknowledging these issues and gaining more self-awareness about your own personal thoughts that will eventually begin to change. You will start to see things in different perspective gaining more insight in those areas and finding possible solutions that you were not aware of initially. Writing can also help organize those thoughts you find more challenging to understand and help set and achieve goals. When you are intentional and honest about your experiences through writing this will help you figure out the next steps to take towards the healing process. It is also a satisfying feeling to look back at your writing and see the growth you have obtained over time. Through your writing, you will be able to identify not just the weak areas of your life but also finding or regaining strength to become the person you were destined to be.
My Experience With Writing
Writing has always been a positive outlet for me since I was younger when I first used a diary. I like to look at writing as an exercise for the brain. Being able to translate what you are thinking and feeling into written words is an emotionally rewarding feeling. Creative or expressive writing has personally helped me throughout some of the most difficult times of my life. Sometimes I may not know the exact words to say, but when I write them out the feeling is so therapeutic. This is also a common coping strategy I find many of my teen clients enjoy using and is a highly effective tool I use that helps me identify symptoms related to mental health disorders. If you find yourself struggling with what to write or how to start please be sure to check out the free worksheet I created a while back. This is a helpful journal prompt when it comes to needing help with formulating thoughts or ideas and can be used each time you decide to write. If you take your writing seriously and make time for it you will soon begin to see how powerful it is. Mental health is just as important as our physical health and writing can help you stay on top of it as a way to practice self-care. Below I wrote out five steps to remember and focus on as you begin or continue your writing journey.
1. Select the writing tool that works best for you.
2. Formulate a plan for when and where the writing will take place.
3. Decide if you rather free write or use journal prompts to help guide you (or can use both).
4. Make time to reread your previous journal entries at some point to check on progress.
5. Make a commitment and be intentional with your writing.
When Passion Turns Into Purpose
As you can see I truly love writing and it's always been a passion of mines. What it has done for my mental health has been extremely helpful. When it comes to my preference of a writing tool it is most definitely a journal or notebook. I have always been more drawn to using those super cute fashionable ones! Those who follow me know I wear many hats and one I wear proudly is being a mental health therapist. This role can be challenging, but very rewarding. I love to advocate about the importance of mental health and offer helpful information and resources which is part of the reason how K. Nicole Writing came to life. This brand has grown so much in over a year and this platform has allowed me to reach many. Through my writing, I was given another vision by God last year which was to create my own notebook as part of my purpose to continue helping and encouraging those who are in need. I had no idea where to start or how I wanted it to look, but of course, I had to begin by writing out and developing a plan. I also had to remember to be patient and continue to trust God throughout the journey. The assignment He gave me was to make this notebook simple, intimate, and inspirational that complimented my brand. I am so happy to finally release this notebook and I hope those who plan to support do as well. My amazing friend Christina who has been part of this journey designed my front cover calligraphy work. More of her beautiful work can be found here! She is also huge advocate within the mental health community as well and passionate about the work she does. To purchase your copy of my Signature Notebook you can shop through my online store here. This is the FIRST of many more products to come from the K. Nicole Writing Collection. To be sure that you do not miss out on any of my new releases, blogs, events, or appearances please be sure to sign up to my mailing list. Again, thank you to those who have been following and supporting the K. Nicole Writing brand from the beginning and to those who have recently joined.
K. Nicole Writing's Signature Journal